click here to play video
amanda tapping Mcgyver blooper its really funny click here to play video
tomb raider with jack o'neil behind the senes click here to download file
this is the theme song that i have playing on my site |

On this site I'll include everything about Stargate Sg-1, including episode reviews, cast biographies, a photo album of my favorite pictures from the show. On this home page, I am gonna tell you about the characters. Some intresting facts. If there is anything else that you might want to see on this page E-mail me @

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This Picture is of the cast when they went back into 1969. Doesn't Richard Anderson look hot! So does Daniel and Teal'c

This is when Daniel, Sam, and Jack had those arm bands that made them super strong. then they decieded to go to the planet where apotheise(sorry for my spelling) was building a ship that would upset the balance of the power between the system lords