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Sha're's Death

Jack- He shouldn't be going through this; first he watches his parents die then his wife. God, the only reason he even joined the team was because he wanted to help fight the Goa'uld and get his wife back. Now he just finished watching his wife being killed, and no, not by a Goa'uld, but by Teal'c.

Teal'c- I have killed his wife. On Chulack when someone kills a member of your family you have the right to kill of his. The worst part is that he forgave me and does not blame me for Sha're death. I do not deserve his forgiveness, yet he has forgiven me.

Sam- He looks so peaceful when he's alseep. By looking at him you'd never have guessed that he just saw his wife die. Jack's here, is he holding Dannys hand? I wouldn't be surprized. He feels helpless. But then we all do. He's waking now. Oh God, i can't look. It's too much to look into his eyes. His eyes are the pathways into his soul, you can see everything just by looking into his eyes. There is a shadow lurking behind his eyes, but then there always is.

Daneil- Sha're is dead. Teal'c killed her. I think he is waiting for me to kill him. He did what was right, I told him that. But he doesn't want to hear it. I think that's what bothers him the most, that i forgave him. IT hurts knowing that i cant hold her again and it probably always will. Oh God, how am I going to tell faher that his only daughter is dead? Look at Jack he's looks so unconfortable from sitting in that chair all day waiting to see if I would wake up. Whose that holding my hand? Oh it's Sam. God, she looks so guilty. It's nice knowing that people care.

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